Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam I Vol III Book X Chp 16 Shlokas 13 - 19
श्रीगोपालदेशिक उवाच
देवनाथ जगन्नाथ मम नाथ श्रियः पते |
शीघ्रमेव कृपासिन्धो देहि मे तव दर्शनम् ||
त्वयैव सृष्टे भुवने रमन्ते जीवकोटयः |
अहमेको भीतभीतः क्रन्दामि करुणार्णव ||
नय मां तव पादाब्जमलं लीलारसेन ते |
नाहमिच्छामि देहेस्मिन् वासं मलनिकेतने ||
अथवा दर्ष्णानन्दमोहितं मां विधाय ते |
सदा भक्तिरसोन्मत्तं मां विधाय ते |
सदा भक्तिरसोन्मत्तं कुरु मां कमलापते ||
या कृपा कलिता पूर्वं प्रह्लादेपि ध्रुवेपि च |
तां कृपां मयि दीनेपि कुरु देवशिखामणे ||
सन्ततम् जीवकोटीनाम जन्मानि मरणानि च |
विलोक्य भीतभीतोहं त्वामेव शरणं भजे ||
कदा द्रक्ष्याम्यहं देव तवैव चरणाम्बुजम् |
कदा विरहतापो मे शमनं प्राप्स्यति प्रभो ||
Shri Gopala Deshika prayed
Lord of the devas, Lord of the world, Lord of Shri Lakshmi! Oh! Devanatha! Jagannatha! Lakshminatha! My Lord! Please bless me with Your darshan as early as possible. Oh! Ocean of mercy! In this universe created by You, all beings are happy. But I alone am spending life with grief and fears. Oh! Take me to Your lotus feet. Please stop Your divine play. I do not want to reside in this filthy body. I am fed up with this worldly life. Oh! Lord of Goddess Lakshmi! Please make me get intoxicated with the luscious sweetness of Bhakti and remain immersed in the joy of Your darshan. Oh! The God of Gods! Please let me also get a share of Your mercy which blessed Prahlada and Dhruva earlier. Frightened with the struggle of the creatures of this universe, with the unending cycle of births and deaths, I take refuge in Thee. Deva! When will I be blessed to behold Your lotus feet? Oh! Lord! When will my grief born of separation subside?