Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam I Vol III Book X Chp 16 Shlokas 20 - 23

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam I Vol III Book X Chp 16 Shlokas 20 - 23


एवं हि बहुधा बालः प्रललाप पुनः पुनः |

एकान्तमनसा नित्यं हरिदर्शनकातरः ||

पुत्रं वेङ्कटरङ्गार्यः सान्त्वयन् प्रेमपूर्वकम् |

गृहमानीय भार्यायै तच्चरित्रं न्यवेदयेत् ||

तच्चित्तपरिपाकं तु सुराणामपि दुर्लभम् |

अविज्ञाय पुत्रे तौ दम्पती प्रेम चक्रतुः ||

ववृधे बालकोप्येवं गूढभावेन संयुतः |

आनन्दयन् स्वपितरौ लोकसामान्यपुत्रवत् ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Thus the boy used to lament relentlessly, with a firm belief and uncontrollable desire to see God. His father consoled him with great affection, took him home and gave all the details to his mother. The couple could not realize the high degree of spiritual maturity, attaining which is impossible even to the devas, reached by their son. They showered affection on him as their beloved child. Thus this boy of a strange mental make-up grew up, making his parents very happy like all other ordinary children of the world.