Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 20 Shlokas 6 - 11

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 20 Shlokas 6 - 11

यदृच्छया महात्म्यं राजगोपालदेशिकः |

अत्राजगाम कृष्णस्य कृपयैव प्रचिदितः ||

अहो भाग्यं ममैवेदं महान्मेsनुग्रहः कृतः |

अन्यथा दुर्लभो नूनं सङ्गमस्तु महात्मनाम् ||

अत्रैव निवसन्नित्यं सानन्दं प्रेमपूर्वकम् |

स्वस्यानुभूतिं निखिलां स्वयमेव जगाद मे ||

दिने दिने रहस्येवं कुर्वतोः प्रेमभाषणम् |

अन्योन्यं परमा प्रीतिर्ववृधे सर्वथैव नौ ||

एकान्तरामभक्तोयं राजगोपालदेशिकः |

भक्तकोलाहलं कृष्णं न ददर्श कदापि च ||

भक्तकोलाहलः कृष्नोप्येवं विमुखमात्मनि |

गोपालदेशिकं गत्वा प्रार्थयामास च स्वयम् ||

Mahatma Rajagopala Deshika came here (Paranoor) unexpectedly due to the mercy of Lord Krishna. Oh! How fortunate I am! The Lord blessed me bestowing His kindness on me. Otherwise I would not have gained sadhusangam. Shree Deshika stayed here and he himself described all his divine experience to me daily. Daily we had very interesting and affectionate conversation in solitude. Thus we developed mutual understanding and very strong affection. As Shri Rajagopala Deshika was a loyal devotee of Shri Rama, he did not ever visit Bhaktakolahala Krishna (in the temple here). But Lord Krishna, the Bhatakolahala went on His own volition to Rajagopala Deshika, who was indifferent to Him and pleaded to Him.