Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 20 Shlokas 12 - 16
पुण्डरीकविशालाक्षः पूर्णचन्द्रसमाननः |
कुटिलालकसंयुक्तः केकिपिच्छावतंसकः ||
कज्जलाकिपतनयनक्ष्चलन्मकरकुण्डलः |
मञ्जुलालापसंयुक्तो मन्दस्मितमनोहरः ||
मुरलीभूषितकरो मुनिचित्तापाहारकः |
त्रिभङ्गिललिताकारस्त्रिजगन्मोहनः प्रभुः ||
क्वनित्किङ्किणिपादक्ष्च कटिन्यस्तकराम्बुजः |
गोपालदेषिकस्याग्रेप्याविरासीत्कृपानिधिः ||
तात तातेति चाहूय मां पश्येति पुनः पुनः |
समाधिस्थं समुत्थाय जगाद मधुरं वचः ||
Bhaktakolahala, the boundless ocean of compassion, appeared before Deshika in this form. He was lotus-eyed; His face was bright like the moon. He came with curly hair decorated with the feathers of peacock; His dark eyes beautified with khajal and dangling Makarakundalas on His ears. He was having a very sweet voice. His pleasant smile was quite enchanting. He was holding the flute. His form was so fascinating that it could win the hearts of even great riches. His form with three beautiful curves was attracting all the three worlds. His legs were adorned with sweet sounding anklets and His hands rested on His hips. Shri Krishna woke him up from his samadhi shouting "Thatha", "Thatha" (grandfather) repeatedly and talked to him in a very sweet voice.