Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 12 - 15
किं दुर्लभं सुखं लोके प्रसन्ने जानकीप्रिये |
स एव पुरुशार्थानां नाथो हि पुरुषोत्तमः ||
अयोध्यायां महानासीत्कक्ष्चिद्रामायणप्रियः |
नाम्ना तु सरयूदासो राघवध्यानतत्परः ||
स नित्यं श्रावयामास श्रीरामचरितं मुदा |
सज्जनानागतान् प्रेम्णा श्रद्धाभक्तिसमन्वितान् ||
कदाचित्सरयूदासः संप्राप्य सरयूनदीम् |
कुर्वन् श्रीराघवध्यानं निमग्नहृदयोsभवत् ||
If Sitapati, Shri Rama gets pleased (with one), which accomplishment of the world remains unattainable (for him)? Is not He, the Purushottama, the bestower of all the accomplishments in this world? In Ayodhya, there was an exalted personality called Sarayudasa, who was deeply interested in Shri Ramayana, and had meditation on Shri Rama as the only object of his life. Daily, with all joy, he made the sadhus who came to him with great dedication, devotion and regardful affection listen to the holy story of Shri Rama. Once, Sarayudasa went to the bank of river Sarayu, and there he immersed in meditation on Shri Rama.