Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 16 - 21

Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 16 - 21

लोके धन्यतरा नॊनमियम् तु सरयूनदी |

या तु साकेतनगरीं सन्ततं परिसेवते ||

अत्रैव सरयूतीरे पुत्रकामस्य भूपतेः |

विशेषतः प्रवृत्तोsभूत्पुरा यज्ञमहोत्सवः ||

अस्मिन्नेव महापुण्ये पवित्रे सरयॊतटे |

चिक्रीड भ्रातृभिः साकं रामचन्द्रोपि शैशवे ||

अत्रैव सरयूतीरे कौशिकेन महात्मना |

कृते पल्लवपर्यङ्के शिश्ये रघुवरात्मजः ||

अस्यामेव सरय्वां तु सीतया सह राघवः |

रम्ये वसन्तकालेपि जलक्रीडं चकार ह ||

अस्मिननेव रघुश्रेष्ठः सानन्दं सरयूवने |

चकार मृगयां नित्यं मन्त्रिपुत्रैः समन्वितः ||

This river Sarayu is the most glorious and fortunate once in this whole world. Does not she always serve and wash the holy Ayodhya. Only on the bank of the river Sarayu, the grand and sacred Hanna was conducted by emperor Dasharatha desirous of begetting a son. Only on the bank of this serene and sacred river Sarayu, Shri Rama played with His brothers in His boyhood. Only on the bank of this Sarayu, Shri Rama slept on the bed of green leaves prepared for Him by the great saint Vishwamitra. Only in the river Sarayu, Shri Rama swam joyfully with Devi Sita during the Vasanta (spring) season. In the forest situated on the bank of this river Sarayu, Shri Rama used to hunt along with the sons of His ministers.