Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 22 - 30

Shri Sarayudasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 20 Shlokas 22 - 30

एवं हि सरयूदासः स्मृत्वा स्मृत्वा पुनः पुनः |

मूर्च्छामवाप तत्रैव रामचिन्तनतन्मयः ||

श्रोतुकामा महात्मानो रामस्य चरितं मुदा |

सरयूदासासदनं सानन्दं समुपागमन् ||

अदृष्ट्वा सारयूदासं साधवो दुःखिता भृशम् |

चक्रुः प्रतीक्षां प्रेम्णैव कुर्वन्तो नामकीर्तनम् ||

तदा श्रीरामचन्द्रोऽपि भक्तप्रेमवशीकृतः |

सरयूदासरूपेण तत्रैवाविरभूत्प्रभुः ||

स्वयमेव स्वचारित्रं कथयन् रघुपुङ्गवः |

भक्तानानन्दयामास कृपया जानकीपतिः |

आगत्योपविशन् भक्त्या शुश्राव चरितं प्रभोः ||

एवं हि सरयूदासं रूपद्वयसमन्वितम् |

विलोक्य विस्मिताः सर्वे बभूवुः साधवस्तदा ||

निवेद्य रामचन्द्रस्य लीलामानन्दवर्धिनीम् |

सज्जनान् सान्त्वयामास सरयूदास एव च ||

एवं हि रामचरितं शृण्वन्ति श्रद्धयैव ये |

तेषां तु सुलभं सत्यं दर्शनं मैथिलीपतेः ||

Contemplating on all these incessantly, Sarayudasa lost himself in Rama dhyana and became unconsciousness. At that time, the noble sadhus, who were desirous of listening to the holy story of Shri Rama, reached the hermitage of Sarayudasa with joyful expectation. They were disappointed to find that Sarayudasa was not there. They were waiting for him anxiously, chanting the Divine Name of Shri Rama. At that time, enchanted by the love of the bhaktas, Lord Shri Rama came there in the disguise of Sarayudasa. Shri Sitapati, Shri Rama, mercifully narrated His own sacred life-story to the bhaktas, and made them immensely happy. Regaining consciousness and completing his dhyana, the wise Sarayudasa came there, sat with them, and with keen interest, listened to the story of his beloved Lord. At that time, the sadhus were all surprised to see two different Sarayudasa there. The gnat Sarayudasa convinced all the sadhus stating that it was the Leela of Leela of Lord Shri Rama, staged by Him to please the bhaktas. It is undoubtedly true that those who listen to the recital of Shri Ramayana with unflinching devotion will find it very easy to get the darshan of Shri Sitapati.

Thus ends Chapter Twenty entitled 'Shri Sarayudasa Charitam' of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.