Katha Sangraham Vol III Book IX Chp 22 Shlokas 1 - 10
ततो नवमभागस्य वक्ष्याम्यध्यायसंग्रहम् |
यस्मिन् श्रीरामभक्तानां चरितं परिकीर्त्यते ||
प्रथमे म्लेच्छसैन्येन पीडितान् सज्जनान् बहून् |
पालयामास कृपया रामानन्दयतीक्ष्वरः ||
द्वितीये तु कबीर्दासस्याश्रमे रघुनन्दनः |
वैष्णवान् पूजयामास नानारूप धरः प्रभुः ||
तृतीये तु स्वपत्नीञ्च कृतनिक्ष्चयः |
राघवस्य कृपां प्राप कबीरः सुदृढव्रतः ||
चतुर्थोपि कबीर्दासो गुरुभक्तशिखामणिः |
रामानन्दमुपाश्रित्य राममन्त्रमवाप च ||
पञ्चमेपि कबीर्दाससमुपेत्य रघुनन्दनः |
प्रेमभावं परीक्ष्यापि प्रददौ निजदर्शनम् ||
षष्ठेsध्याये कमलोपि कबीर्दासात्मजो महान् |
दृढवैराग्यसंयुक्तः पितृभक्तो बभौ भुवि ||
सप्त्मेपि च पीपाजिर्भवान्यापि प्रचोदितः |
रामानन्दमुपाश्रित्य रामभक्तिमवाप च ||
अष्टमे प्रेमभावेन वशीकृत्य रघूत्तमम् |
रोटीं ददौ बालकोपि धन्यो भक्तिमतां वरः ||
नवमे तुलसीदासो भार्यायैवानुबोधितः |
गृहान्धकॊपादुत्थाय जगाम तपसे वनम् ||
Shri Sadguru said
Now I shall give you the gist of this Book IX, which narrates the stories of the Rama bhaktas. In the First Chapter, Ramananda mercifully protected the sadhus worried over the atrocities of the muslims. In the Second Chapter, Lord Shri Rama, taking innumerable forms, hosted and worshipped the sadhus, who assembled in the ashram of Kabir. In the Third Chapter, the firm believer Kabir, who prepared to mortgage even his wife in order to host the sadhus acquired the mercy of Shri Rama. In the Fourth Chapter Kabirdasa, the greatest of guru bhaktas, approached Ramananda and got the boon of Rama Mantra. In the Fifth Chapter, Shri Rama went to Kabirdasa, tested his devotion, and ultimately gave him darshan. The Sixth Chapter deals with the life of Kamala, the son of Kabir, who led a life of deep asceticism and unaltered devotion to Lord Rama. In the Eighth Chapter, the young Dhanya brought Shri Rama under the control of his prima Bhakti, and made Him accept the offering of 'Roti'. In Chapter Nine, advised by his wife, Tulasidasa gave up family life, and withdrew to the forest to carry on penance.