Katha Sangraham Vol III Book IX Chp 22 Shlokas 11 - 20
दशमे तुलसीदासो बृन्दावनमुपागतः |
ददर्श रामरूपेण मुरलॆधरमेव च ||
एकादशेपि तं दासमानीय म्लेच्छभूपतिः |
चकारापि च निर्बन्धं रामदर्षणकाङ्क्षया ||
द्वादशे तुलसीदासो नाममाहात्म्यमद्भुतम् |
लोके प्रकटयामास भोजयन्नन्दिकेक्ष्वरम् ||
त्रयोदशे तस्करस्य भगवान् दर्शनं ददौ |
पावने तुलसीदासस्याश्रमे करुणानिधिः ||
चरुर्दशे तुरुष्कैक्ष्च पीडिता वीक्ष्य योषितः |
उवाच नाममाहात्म्यं कृपया नानको गुरुः ||
अथ पञ्चदशे रामदासं मलेच्छेन पीडितम् |
कृपया पालयामास जानकीरमणप्रभुः ||
षोडशेप्यगरदासेन साकेतं समुपागतः |
नाभादासो मात्मापि भक्तमालां चकार च ||
एव सप्तदशाध्याये जानकीं भगिनीं स्मरन् |
मामा प्रयागदासोपि साकेतं पुरमाययौ ||
अष्टादशे तु वात्सल्यभावेन रघुनन्दनम् |
गणेशदेवी सानन्दमानीय स्वगृहं ययौ ||
एको नविंशsध्यायेपि पीडितं तस्करैर्वने |
ररक्ष रघुनाथार्यं रघुनाथः कृपानिधिः ||
In the Tenth Chapter, Tulasidasa reached Shri Brindavan, and perceived Shri Krishna in the form of Shri Rama. In the Eleventh Chapter, Akbar invited Tulasidasa to his court, and compelled him to favor him with the darshan of Shri Rama. In the Twelfth Chapter, Tulasidasa made Nandikeshwara take what he offered, and thus established the excellence of Rama Nama on this earth. In Chapter Thirteen, Shri Bhagavan, the storehouse of compassion, gave darshan to a thief in the serene ashram of the pious Tulasidasa. In Chapter Fourteen Guru Nanak stated the grandeur of the Divine Name of the Lord to the women morally stained with atrocities committed on them by the muslims. In Chapter Fifteen, Shri Rama mercifully protected Ramadasa, who was suffering hardship under Danish's rule. In Chapter Sixteen, mahatma Nabhadasa, who came to Ayodhya accompanied by Agradasa, rendered the 'Bhaktamala'. In the Seventeenth Chapter, Prayagadasa came to Ayodhya taking Goddess Sita to be his own sister. In Chapter Eighteen, in great joy, Ganesha Devi took Shri Rama to her house with the untold love of a mother. In Chapter Nineteen, Shri Raghunatha, the storehouse of mercy, rescued Raghunathadasa from the thieves.