Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 15 - 24

Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 15 - 24

तत्र नन्दवने रम्ये गृह्णणन्तं कुसुमानि तम् |

गायन्तं हरिनामानि रामकृष्णं ददर्श सा ||

सद्य एव हि वृद्धा सा प्रेमवात्सल्यसम्युता |

एहि पुत्रेति जल्पन्ती परिरेभे गदाधरम् ||

अङ्गमारोप्य तं देव पुत्ररूपं गदाधरम् |

आलिङ्ग्य प्रेमभावेन चुचुम्ब च पुनः पुनः ||

तस्यास्तु प्रेमभावेन निबद्धोsयं गदाधरः |

युवापि बालवत्क्रीडन् ददौ तस्याः सुखं परम् ||

पण्डितानां सभायां सा सर्वशास्त्राविशारदा |

रामकृष्णः परात्मेति चकार सुविनिर्णयम् ||

तथापि रामकृष्णोsयं अजानन्नात्मवैभवम् |

विजहार तया साकं बालरूपेण सन्ततम् ||

प्रेमभक्तिरसोन्मत्ते रामकृष्णे महात्मनि |

समाधिस्थे तस्य देहं पोषयामास भैरवी ||

शरीरपोषणार्थं हि रामकृष्णस्य योगिनः |

भैरवी ब्राह्मणी सेयं सृष्टा देवेन वैष्णवी ||

वामाचारेण मार्गेण तस्याः पूजां करोत्ययम् |

इत्यूचुर्बहवो मूर्खाः परनिन्दाकुतूहलाः ||

रामकृष्णो महात्मा तु सदाचारसमन्वितः |

मातृभावेन संयुक्तः स्त्रीषु सर्वासु वर्तते ||

There she saw Shri Ramakrishna gathering flowers in a beautiful garden, singing in praise of Lord Shri Hari. The old woman embraced Shri Ramakrishna out of motherly love with the words, “Come, my dear child. You are welcome”. She kept the child, Shri Ramakrishna on her lap and fondled Him as her son and kissed him, out of affection. Shri Ramakrishna, moved by her love and affection, played with her happily and gave her serene pleasure. She, who was an adept in all Shastras, established in the assembly of learned men that Shri Ramakrishna was Brahman Himself. Even then, Ramakrishna played with her all the time unaware of his divinity. Bhaivari Brahmani took care of his physical form and its welfare whenever Ramakrishna became unconscious due to deep devotion and reached the state of samadhi in course of transcendental meditation. It thus appeared that Bhairavi Brahmani was created only to safeguard and feed that yogi Shri Ramakrishna. The foolish and those who were interested in gossiping talked ill of Ramakrishna and said he was worshipping Brahmanb following the vamachara tenets. The good-natured and pious Ramakrishna considered all women as mothers and moved with them only with that idea.