Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 25 - 31

Ramakrishna Charitam II Vol III Book X Chp 3 Shlokas 25 - 31

मद्यञ्च मैथुनं मांसं मणिं मन्त्रं समाश्रिताः |

पूजयन्ति परां शक्तिं वामाचारेण दुर्जनाः ||

अशास्त्रविहितं घोरं तामसं कर्म दूषितम् |

विधाय स्वयमेवैते पतन्ति नरकेsशुचौ ||

दुर्मार्गेण कथं ब्रह्म प्राप्यते शुद्धमव्ययम् |

नाविरतो दुक्ष्चरितात्तदाप्नोति परम् पदम् ||

कण्टकव्याप्तमार्गेण ये गच्छन्ति नराः खलाः |

गच्छन्तु ते वयं याम सन्मार्गेण परम् पदम् ||

एवं दुर्मार्गगान् सर्वानाहूय परेमपूर्वकम् |

बोधयामास योगीन्द्रो रामकृष्णो जगद्गुरुः ||

रामकृष्णमतं ज्ञात्वा सात्विकं सर्वसम्मतम् |

सदाचारेण संयुक्तैः कर्तव्यं भजनं हरेः ||

अन्यथा दुर्लभो विष्णुः कलावस्मिन्न संशयः |

अहिंसया च सत्येन ब्रह्मचर्येण तं भजेत् ||

The wicked who follow the vamachara perform Pooja to Para shake offering her wine, flesh, pearls etc. along with mantras. They fall into hell performing the evil and dark sided, hated and dreadful act. How can one reach the blemishes and the eternal Almighty following this path? One who does not get out of the black evil path cannot reach the eternal abode of the Lord. Let the foolish continue to tread the thorny, misleading, wrong road. Let us reach the Almighty through the righteous path. Thus the universal preceptor and great yogi, Shri Ramakrishna with his kindness drew him all those who were marching on the unrighteous path and imparted true knowledge to them. The righteous ones have to learn the unquestionable and lofty doctrines of Shri Ramakrishna, and do Hari bhajan uninterruptedly. Undoubtedly, Lord Krishna cannot be sought in any other way in this Kaliyuga. The Lord's glory has to be sung with ahimsa, Satya and brahmacharya.

Thus ends Chapter Three entitled 'Shri Ramakrishna Charitam II' of Book X os Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.