Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 24 - 30
एवं श्रीरामकृष्णस्तु वचनं योगिनां वरः |
आकर्ण्यापि त तद्वाक्यं नानुमेने पुरीक्ष्वरः ||
फल्गुबुद्ध्या मुकुन्दस्य भजनेपि सुखावहे |
मुक्तामानी रामकृष्णं निनिन्द बहुधा च सः ||
एवं भक्तापराधेन्न भगवद्भक्तिनिन्दया |
तस्याभवद्दिने तस्मिन् कुक्षिरोगः सुदुःसह ||
तद्बाधाबाधितम् चित्तं तस्य योगीक्ष्वरस्य तु |
निर्विकल्पसमाधौ च लयं न प्राप निक्ष्चलम् ||
तस्मात्सुदुःखितो योगी प्रानत्यागेपि निक्ष्चयम् |
कृत्वा गन्गाजले शुद्धे पपात निशि दुर्मनाः ||
जानुपर्यन्तमेवात्र दृष्ट्वा वारि सुदुःखितः |
संप्राप्य रामकृष्णञ्च निजं दुःखं न्यवेदयत् ||
तं दृष्ट्वा कृपया देवः कुक्षिरोगेण पीडितम् |
महार्थं वचनं प्राह मधुरं महतां महान् ||
Shri Sadguru continued
Even after listening to Ramakrishna explain all these, Totapuri, the greatest of the yogis, did not agree with him. Though the bhajan of Lord Shri Mukunda is yielding real happiness, Totapuri did not take interest in it. He belittled its glory as he considered himself to be a jeevann must standing above all these things. Hence, he mocked at Ramakrishna arguing on many lines. He had a sudden attack of severe stomach-pain because of his ill-treatment of the bhakta Shri Ramakrishna and his mockery at Bhakti. The yogishwara Totapuri could not stick to Nirvikalpa Samadhi undisturbed, because of this trouble. The yogi became very sad, dejected and with a decision to commit suicide, fell into the pellucid flow of the Ganga. He felt intensely sad to find that there was only knee-level water flow in the Ganga. His wish was not fulfilled. So he came and explained his condition to Ramakrishna. The greatest among the great men, Shri Ramakrishna, with all sympathy, looked at the suffering yogi and uttered these sweet words pregnant with meaning.