Ramakrishna Charitam III Vol III Book X Chp 4 Shlokas 31 - 39
श्रीपरमहंस उवाच
अक्षरब्रह्मनिष्ठस्य जगन्मिथ्येतिवादिनः |
समाधिस्थस्य ते लोके दुःसहं किं यतीक्श्वर ||
मादृशानां तु मूढानाम विहितं हरिकीर्तनम् |
निर्गुणब्रह्मनिष्ठो हि भवान् दुःखं सुखं न ते ||
तोतापुरीन्द्र उवाच
तवद्वाक्यं सत्यमेवैतज्जन्मिथ्या न संशयः |
निर्गुणब्रह्मनिष्ठोsहं न मे दुःखं न मे सुखम् |
तथापि मे मनस्त्वेतत्समाधौ न विधीयते |
सुदुर्जया मयाप्येषा माया विष्णोर्न संशयः ||
परमहंस उवाच
मा विषीद महाबुद्धे ज्ञानिनामपि दुर्जयम् |
विष्णोर्मायाबलं दृष्टं ह्येवं संसारकारणम् ||
कुक्षिरोगस्य ते योगिन् शमनाय करोम्यहम् |
कीर्तनं वासुदेवस्य शोकमोहनिवारकम् ||
इत्युक्त्वा भगवांक्ष्चक्रे सानन्दं हरिकीर्तनम् |
तस्य तच्छ्रवणेनैव बाधा नष्टाभवत्तदा ||
विज्ञाय भगवद्भक्त्याः माहात्म्यं स पुरीक्ष्वरः |
तेन साकं चकारापि सानन्दं कृष्णकीर्तनम् ||
एवं भजनमाहात्म्यं दर्शयामास लीलया |
रामकृष्णो महायोगी पुरीन्द्रायातमबन्धवे ||
Shri Paramahamsa said
You have lost yourself in Nirvana Brahman, you have attained Nirvikalpa Samadhi and consider the whole world to be a myth. Can there be anything that is unbearable to you? Hari bhajan is assigned only to the fools like me. But you are a staunch believer in Nirvana Brahman. There is nothing that can give you joy or sorrow.
Totapuri said
You are right. The world is undoubtedly a great myth. It is true that I have deep faith in Nirvana Brahman, and I do not feel happy or sad specially. Yet my mind finds it difficult to remain fixed in the Samadhi state now. Vishnu Maya cannot be overcome even by me. It is quite uncertain.
The Paramahamsa said
Oh! Wise one! Now did you understand the might of Vishnu Maya which is the root cause of the universe and which cannot be conquered even by men of wisdom ? Do not worry now. Oh! Yogi, I will carry on the kirtan of Shri Vasudeva and pray to Him so that your pain subsides. Only kirtan can dispel illusions and remove all sorrows.
Shri Sadguru said
Having stated thus, Shri Ramakrishna Bhagavan did the bhajan of Shri Hari in all exuberance. Totalpuri who listened to that was rid of his stomach-ache at once. Realizing the glory of devotion to Shri Bhagavan, Totoapuri also joined Shri Ramakrishna in Hari bhajan with all joy. Thus, the mahayogi, Shri Ramakrishna exhibited the glory and grandeur of Hari bhajan effortlessly, through that Leela for the sake of Totapuri who was his close companion.
Thus ends Chapter Four entitled 'Shri Ramakrishna Charitam III' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal