Kshitirama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 1 Shlokas 13 - 22
कुपितो धनिकक्ष्चापि क्षितिरामस्य धीमतः |
धनं धान्यं गृहं सर्वं बलादपजहार ह ||
ग्रामाद्विद्रावयामास क्षितिरामं सुदुर्मतिः |
बालकैर्भार्यया साकं निर्दोषं ब्राह्मणोत्तमम् ||
एवं हि तेन दुष्टेन धन्येप्यपह्रते बलात् |
क्षितिरामो न तत्याज सत्यनिष्ठां दृढव्रतः ||
ग्रामान्तरमवाप्यैष क्षुधितैर्बालकैः सह |
वृक्षमूले क्वचित्तिष्ठन् रामाध्यानञ्चकार सः ||
तदा तु वैष्णवः कक्ष्चित्तं विलोक्य यदृच्छया |
गृहमानीय सप्रेम पूजयामास भक्तिमान् ||
तत्रैव निवसन्नित्यं रामपूजाधुरन्धरः |
तोषयामास तं विप्रमौदार्यगुणसंयुतम् ||
श्रीमानयं वैष्णवस्तु क्षितिरामे महात्मनि |
एवं रक्षति गोविन्दे स्वभक्तान् प्रेमपूर्वकम् |
किं वृथाsलीकवादेन भरन्ति जठरं खलाः ||
The rich man got angry and confiscated all the possessions of the Scholarly Kshitirama. That wicked man drove the innocent and great brahmana Kshitirama along with his wife and children, out of the village. Thus, even, when all of his property was seized by force by that cruel rich man, Kshitirama did not give up his attachment to truth. He reached another village along with his hungry children, sat under a tree and continued his Rama dhyana. At that time, a devoted vaishnava happened to meet him. He took Kshitirama home and served him, with love and reverence. Kshitirama provided that generous man great joy by accepting to take up the sacred responsibility of doing Pooja to Lord Shri Rama and stay in that village itself. That affluent vaishnava developed very strong attachment and reverence to mahatma Kshitirama. The benevolent vaishnava adored Kshitirama, offering him a house, land, wealth and the like. Surprisingly, the well-being of the poor and great vaishnava devotees is mercifully looked after by the Lord Almighty, Bhagavan Himself. Even when Lord Govinda is there always ready to guard His devotees with great mercy and affection, the wicked men fend themselves with the help of falsehood unnecessarily.
Thus ends Chapter One entitled ‘Kshitirama Charisma’ of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal