Kshitirama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 1 Shlokas 7 - 12
क्षितिराम इति ख्यातो महाभागवतोत्तमः |
रक्षितस्वीयधर्मक्ष्च राघवध्यानतत्परः ||
दरिद्रोपि प्रसन्नात्मा सत्यसन्धो महामतिः |
सज्जनान् पूजयन्नास गार्हस्थ्यं धर्ममाचरन् ||
सत्येन क्षमया चैवं शास्त्रज्ञानेन मेधया |
एवं परोपकारेण सर्वपूज्यो बभूव सः ||
कस्यचिद्धनिकस्यापि गृहे कैङ्कर्यमाचरन् |
कुटुम्बं पोषयामास दीनो वैष्णवसत्तमः ||
स कदाचिद् दुर्मदान्धः क्षितिरामं महामतिम् |
नीतिस्थालेsनृतं वक्तुमाह्वयामास निर्भयम् ||
क्षितिरामो धर्मभीरुः सत्यव्रत समाहितः |
नाङ्गीचकार तद्वाक्यं श्रीरामचरणाश्रयः ||
Kshitirama, a highly pious devotee was leading a life, protecting swadharma and having the only goal of meditation on Shri Rama. Truthful, intelligent highly contented and happy inspire of poverty, he led the life of a householder, patronizing the sadhus. He was held in high esteem by all because of his truthfulness, forbearance, knowledge, scholarship and philanthropic attitude. As the vaishnava was very poor, he was serving a rich man and was thus supporting his family. Once, that proud rich man without any hesitation urged Kshitirama, a man of wisdom to give a false affidavit to a court. Kshitirama, who had unflinching faith in the lotus-feet of Lord Shri Rama, who had pledged to be truthful and who was god-fearing, refused to do so.