Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 7 Shlokas 14 - 22

Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 7 Shlokas 14 - 22

श्रीमती शारदादेवी तस्य पत्नी पतिव्रता |

स्वकीये पितृगेहे तु जयरामपुरेsवसत् ||

परिणीताsतिबाल्ये सा रामकृष्णेन धीमता |

अद्यैव यौवनं प्राप्ता जगन्माता तु शारदा ||

प्राणान् दधार नित्यं सा भर्तृदर्शनकाङ्क्षया |

अवरुद्धा बन्धुभिक्ष्च शारदा न्यवसद्वहे ||

एवं प्रेमरसोमत्तं श्रुत्वा भर्तारमुत्तमम् |

स्वयं ससंभ्रमं देवी रामकृष्णमुपाययौ ||

यथाकथञ्चित्सया देवी प्रस्थिता पादयात्रया |

दक्षिनेशपुरञ्च्जागात्पतिदर्शनकौतुकात् ||

तत्र सा वातवृक्षस्य समीपे शान्तविग्रहम् |

ध्यानमीलितनेत्राब्जमासीनञ्च सुखासने ||

कोटिसूर्यप्रकाशञ्च जटिलं मलिनं कृशम् |

संसारतारकं देवं सर्वलोकेक्ष्वरम् ||

साक्षाद्गदाधरञ्चाद्य पालयन्तं जगद्गुरुम् ||

सर्वसद्गुण संयुक्तं कृष्णप्रेमस्वरूपिणम् |

ज्ञानिनामगरगन्यञ्च भर्तारं संददर्श ह ||

The chaste wife Sharada Devi was living at Jayarampadi with her parents. The holy mother Sharada was given in marriage to the gnat Shri Ramakrishna even when she was a child. Just then, she had reached adolescence. She was alive just induced by the desire to meet her husband. But she had to stay at Jayarampadi as she was presented by her relatives from going to Dakshineshwaram. When mother Sharada learnt that her husband and great gnaw Shri Ramakrishna had got maddened with the Bhakti towards Lord Krishna, she was excited and with great anxiety, she reached Dakshineshwaram to meet Shri Ramakrishna. She walked all the distance to Dakshineshwaram taking a lot of pains induced by the desire to see her husband. There she saw Ramakrishna sitting under a Banyan tree in a posture of sukhasana, quite peaceful, his lotus eye closed in dhyana. He was as bright as a cluster of suns. His hair was matted. He was lean and his body was covered with dust. She saw him as the lord of all worlds, as the God who rescues people from the ocean of samsara, as Lord Narayana who takes incarnations as part of the divine Leela, as the savior of the dharma of the self renounced paramahamsa, as the universal preceptor, as the abode of all cherish able qualities, as the very embodiment of Krishna poem, and as the greatest of the gnanis.