Satvikaraja Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 21 Shlokas 13 - 18
कदाचिद्भूपतिर्भक्तो द्यूतलीलां समाचरन् |
न सस्मार जगन्नथमन्दिरं गन्तुमेव सः ||
तथापि पूजको विप्रो राजभक्तिसमन्वितः |
हरिप्रसादमादाय राजसान्निधिमाययौ ||
तं दृष्ट्वापि स भूपालो द्यूतासक्तमनास्तदा |
प्रासारयद्वामहस्तं प्रसादग्रहणेच्छया ||
धीरचित्तः पूजकोपि वामहस्ते तु भूपतेः |
प्रसादमप्रयायैव प्रययौ विष्णुमान्दिरम् ||
समाप्तायाञ्च लीलायां लोकप्रज्ञां गतो नृपः |
स्वापचारं प्रसादस्य शुश्राव महिषीमुखात् ||
स्वापराधमनुस्मृत्य नितरां दुःखितो नृपः |
बहुधा विललापैवमन्नपानादिवर्जितः ||
Once the king despite being a bhakta forgot even visiting the Jagannatha temple as he was deeply immersed in gambling. Even then, the loyal priest of that temple came to that place where the king was with the prasadam of Lord Jagannatha. The king was deeply involved in gambling. When he saw the priest he stretched his left hand to get the prasadam. The brave priest did not give the prasadam in the left hand of the king. He simply returned to the temple. When the game was over the king became conscious of himself and his surroundings. He came to know how he had abused the prasadam. Immediately he realised his mistake. He became extremely sad. He gave up food and went on lamenting.