Satvikaraja Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 21 Shlokas 19 - 22
हन्त कृष्ण्प्रसादाय महत्पापं कृतं मया |
द्यॊतक्रीडाविमुग्धेन दुर्जनैर्वञ्चितेन च ||
मन्त्रिभिर्गुरुभिक्ष्चापि बहुधा बोधितोप्यहम् |
न तत्याज द्यूतलीलां दुर्जनैरभिवञ्चितः ||
अहो ब्रह्मादिभिर्देवैमुनिभिर्वैष्णवैरपि |
वाञ्छितं वैष्णवं त्वन्नं मया पापादुपेक्षितम् ||
एतेनिवापराधेन दण्ड्योहं न हि संशयः |
छिन्द्यां हि वामहस्तं मे स्वयं खड्गेन साम्प्रतम् ||
The King lamented
Alas! I was caught in the deceitful company of the wicked. Entrapped by the false pleasure of gambling. I committed the sin of abusing the prasadam of Shri Krishna. Though I was advised in many ways by the ministers and my elders, due to the bad company of the malicious, I refused to give up gambling. The prasadam of Lord Vishnu is sought eagerly by the devas like Brahma, all the seers and vaishnavas. But, alas! I have brushed it aside, as I am a sinner. I am punishable for this offense. It is certain. Now, I shall cut my left hand off with this sword.