Satvikaraja Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 21 Shlokas 23 - 26
इत्युक्त्वा सहसा राजा खड्गमुद्यम्य पाणिना |
वामं हस्तं स्वकं क्रुद्धश्च्छेत्तुमैच्छद् दृढव्रतः ||
तावत्तत्र जगन्नाथो वैष्णवोत्तमवेषधृत् |
न्यरुणत्पार्थिवं प्रेम्णा बभाषे मधुरं वचः ||
Shri Sadguru said
Having spoken thus with unlimited self-pity, the determined king held the sword high up in order to cut his hand off. At the same time Lord Jagannatha appeared there as a vaishnava. With soothing words He prevented the king from doing that.