Vaishnava Samhita. Satvikaraja Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 21 Shlokas 25 - 26

Satvikaraja Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 21 Shlokas 25 - 26


मा च्छिन्दी राजन् हस्तं ते धर्मरक्षणतत्परम् |

यमाश्रित्य जगत्यस्मिन् सुखं जीवति सज्जनः ||

कुरु कोपमिमं राजन् द्यूते च द्यूतकारिणि |

सान्त्वयन्नत्म्नात्मानं समाहितमना भव ||

Shri Bhagavan said

Oh! King! Do not cut your hand off as you have to protect dharma. The sadhus live on this earth depending on this hand of yours only. You develop this anger and divert it towards gambling and the gamblers. Console yourself and be at peace.