Shri Ramadasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 16 Shlokas 18 - 21
शिवाजिराज उवाच
त्वरते कार्यकालो मे संप्राप्तं प्रश्थितोस्म्यहम् |
अभ्यनुज्ञां प्रयच्छाशु पूतोस्मि तव दर्शनात् ||
संसारसागरे घोरे मादृशैरतिदुस्तरे |
क्षणार्धमपि साधूनां दर्शनं परमं सुखम् ||
ममैवमल्पभाग्यस्य युद्धासक्तस्य सन्ततम् |
यदृच्छया तव स्वामिन् संगमोस्तु मुहुर्मुहुः ||
धिगिदं मम शौर्यञ्च धिगिदं युद्धकौतुकम् |
यन्ममैवं हरिध्याने त्ववकाशः सुदुर्लभः ||
Shivaji said
I have got an urgent piece of work. I am leaving now. Please give me permission. I have been cleansed by your very darshan. It is really a great pleasure to have the darshan of the sadhus, even for a second in this world which is afflicted with so many evils and is frightening like a big ocean. Let me, the less fortunate and the man crazy of wars, be blessed with your darshan very often. I am ashamed of my valor and enthusiasm in fighting. For, I do not have time to engage in meditation on Lord Shri Hari