Katha Sangraham Vol III Book IX Chp 22 Shlokas 21 - 25
अथापि विंशे भगवान् सरयूदासपूजितः |
स्वयमेव स्वचारित्रं स्वजनेभ्यो जगाद च ||
एकविंशेपि रुद्रस्य श्रुत्वा सुमधुरं वचः |
जज्ञे मत्स्येन्द्रनाथेपि रामनामरसप्रियः ||
एवं नवमभागस्य प्रोक्ताक्ष्चाध्यायसंग्रहः |
पठतां शृण्वताञ्चापि स्मरणाय पुनः पुनः ||
यः पठेच्छ्रद्धया नित्यमिमां वैष्णवसम्हिताम् |
स याति परमं धाम शाक्ष्वतं श्रॆपतेर्धुवम् ||
मङ्गलं सद्गुरुभ्योस्तु वैष्णवेभ्योस्तु मङ्गलम् |
मङ्गलं माधवायास्तु प्रेमिकायास्तु मङ्गलम् ||
In Chapter Twenty, Shri Bhagavan, worshipped by Sarayudasa, revealed His glory (explaining His charity) to His votaries. In Chapter Twenty One, listening to the pleasant teachings of Lord Shiva to Devi Parvati, Matsyendra, a very ardent lover of Shri Rama Nama was born. Thus, the subject-matter of Book IX is given in a nutshell to facilitate the readers and the listeners to retain it in their lasting memory. One who reads this Vaishnava Samhita with utmost concentration, reaches the eternal heavenly abode of Sripati Vishnu. Glory unto Shri Sadhuru. Glory unto the vaishnavas. Glory unto Lord Madhava and glory unto Shri Premika.
Thus ends Chapter Twenty Two entitled ‘Katha Sangraham’ of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Sanhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Mahaprabhu, who revels in the luscious sweetness of divine bliss emanating from the lotus feet of Shri Bhagavannama Bodhendra Swamigal, who descended the earth as the savior of all beings, the universal preceptor, the Parivrajaka (a wandering saint) and the Paramahamsa (a realized soul)