Vaishnava Samhita. Kshitirama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 1 Shlokas 1 - 6

Kshitirama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 1 Shlokas 1 - 6


सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयान इति श्रुतिः |

तस्मात्सत्यव्रतो भक्त्या विष्णुमाराधयेद्बुधः ||

जनाः प्रीतिं न कुर्वन्ति लोकेस्मिन्नप्यनार्जवे |

स एवं गर्हितो नूनं परलोकेपि दुर्मुखः ||

कायेन मनसा वाचा सत्यं तु परिपालयेत् |

सत्यं हि परमं ब्रह्म सत्यं हि परमं तपः ||

सत्यव्रतविहीनस्य निष्फलाः सकलाः क्रियाः |

दॆवाक्ष्च पितरक्ष्चापि द्रष्टुं नेच्छन्त्यनार्जवम् ||

सत्यस्वरूपो भगवान् सत्यनिष्ठे प्रसीदति |

सत्यव्रतविहीनस्तु नास्तिको भवति ध्रुवम् ||

सत्यसंरक्षणायैव भगवान् काननङ्गतः |

एतच्छ्रुत्वा वैष्णवस्तु सत्यनिष्ठां कथं त्यजेत् ||

Shri Sadguru said

The Vedas declare that the path to salvation is paved by truth alone. Hence a man of wisdom should arm himself with truth, and worship Lord Vishnu with devotion. He who is dishonest will not be loved by people on this earth. A liar will be certainly censured in the other world too. Truth should be safeguarded by the tongue, the mind and the body. Truth is god. Truth is the most solemn penance. All the acts of a man who is not truthful, become a waste. The devas and the ancestors in the heavenly abode too do not like to meet such a man. Shri Bhagavan, the embodiment of truth, favors only an avowed man of truth. He who is not strongly attached to truth becomes an atheist. Lord Shri Rama went to the forest in order only to protect truth. How can a vaishnava give up truth even after hearing this?